Romans 8:29 tells us that we are predestined to become like Jesus. This is God’s will. Right now, however, we are in the process of that transformation. The “In His Likeness Series” is designed to give believers clear instruction about how this change happens, and what our role is in the process. The final completion will come when we see Jesus face to face; the Bible says that it’s then that we will “see Him as He is.” (1 John 3:2)
Private Worship: the Key to Joy is the first book in the series and it helps to answer the question “How do I enter God’s presence and how do I worship Him?” Nancy, not only gives us the practical steps for doing this, she also explains why this is the answer to rekindling our joy in the Lord.
The second book in the series is Reflections of His Image: God’s Purpose for your Life, which helps believers actually become, not only in words, but also in deeds, a “reflection of Christ.” It shows us the importance of becoming a “living example” and then, gives the practical application to doing so.
The third part of this series is a DVD presentation, Re-igniting the Passion: How to Restore One-ness in Marriage. God intends a Christian marriage to be a reflection of His love, but too often couples do not experience what He offers. The teaching in this video comes through a drama that follows a couple through their struggles, and a team-teaching presentation with multi-media aids. One of the highlights is a virtual walk through the first Jerusalem temple. While Nancy does not appear in the video, she designed it to show how God will restore one-ness in marriage, even if divorce is within sight.
This series is a wonderful way to get focused again on following Christ moment-by-moment.