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See the testimonies below from people who have studied and applied God’s truth from the Bible and have seen good results.
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What We Are Hearing
We wish we could share every testimony of how our ministry has touched and changed many hearts and lives. Here are just a few comments of many that we have received over the years!
The principles Nancy teaches have helped me to endure trials and relinquish my ‘rights’ … To be able to walk in forgiveness and love, regardless of how I ‘feel’. Highly recommend.
I purchased 10 Against the Tide books and handed them out. That book has transformed my life, As a matter of fact I am going to go through it once more; it has been a while. I am in the valley right now.
I have listened to “The Way of Agape” cassette tapes for a long time! Yes, cassettes! My walk with the Lord has been so rich by following the biblical principles in this teaching series. And I was newly dedicated 2 Christ at the time. What a blessing it was to learn how to walk moment by moment with Jesus.
I love all the books! After leading The Way of Agape study with 4 other gals, and because of the feedback at church, we had Debbie and Lori do a retreat for us, which led to another Way of Agape class with about 12 gals. After spending 2 years going through The Way of Agape 2 more times, we are doing Faith in Night Seasons now. As much as I love, them all, I would have to say The Way of Agape is my favorite! I have used that study with so many gals and even my son, who has gone through it shares it with hurting single gals the Lord brings across his path!
I taught The Way of Agape & Faith in the Night Seasons. Both of the books have changed my life forever. Each one came into my life during major events. I know that God has used these studies to teach me about His Agape Love because He knew that soon I was to experience a night seasons and with the deepest understanding of His love. I would not be able to trust Him and walk with Him in blind faith at this time in my life. I thank God often for Nancy! I hope to have a wonderful testimony some day! I hope to express on paper about how God used and is using both of these studies in my life!
I led “The Way of Agape,” at my former church ladies’ study. It was such a blessing to all involved. We had about 8 women who regularly participated. I love them all, but my favorite would have to be, “Faith in the Night Seasons.” The Lord used this book to prepare me and a friend for tough times ahead. My friend has since gone on to be with the Lord. I know it ministered to her heart while she was preparing for death. The Lord knew how He wanted to prepare us for tough times that happened after the study. God is so good, and He used Nan’s studies in a powerful way. Thank you!
The Way of Agape is my favorite! I learned the love of word studies and to not let feelings dictate my life but to make daily faith choices! Also, I learned to be a cleansed and open vessel for the Lord to love through! Love your teachings Nancy!!!
I facilitated The Way of Agape, Be Ye Transformed and Faith in the Night Seasons series 5 times since 1998. Even though I have done other studies both before and recently, These three studies still remain my favorite and most life changing bible studies I have ever done and I know it blessed all the gals who were a part of the classes. Thank you so much Nancy for writing these books and all the others you have done. I think I have them all. May God continue to bless you and all your family!
The Way of Agape changed my life & many others!
The Way of Agape transformed my life 6 years ago and I’m still using the life skills that I learned and always share with other’s ! I first read “Why do I have to be the first to change” in 1994, I love that book. Even after 30 years of marriage my husband, back then left, I know that I could not be in the place I am without understanding how to properly handle and deal with my emotions and attitude. May the Lord continue to use both you and Chuck in a mighty way. I love you both and the ministry that the Lord has given you.
I love Be Ye Transformed! I have copies of my survival kit prayer in my handbag, car, next to my bed and even under my cutting mat in my scrapbook shop! I have a totally new understanding of scriptures and am so thankful I have a tool to use when I totally mess up. Dying to self is a toughie… understanding and experiencing the rewards it brings and the joy that only the Lord can give.
I have only read “Be Ye Transformed” and I loved it! I can’t wait to read the rest of the books!
I Love the Kingdom Power and Glory Studies, and I am mentoring two groups of leaders who are currently leading these studies. I have done The Way of Agape several times!
We have taken 300 women through never give up and are starting Against the Tide in a couple of weeks. Never Give Up is an amazing teaching tool and book discussion. It has taken us almost 4 years but we have had dozens and dozens of decisions for Christ, and see lives changed by the application of the teaching in this book. It is my favorite book to teach!
Ministry Activities
Many of you have asked what we do here at the King’s Place, which is the location of the King’s High Ministries in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Our days are filled with the ministry of encouraging many in the body of Christ through prayer, counseling, and mentoring. We also enjoy corresponding to prisoners, Christian Recovery homes and Orphanages and, when possible, sending them our books, as well.
Bible Studies using our materials are being taught all over the world in many homes, churches and Bible Colleges. We also have an extension of our ministry in New Zealand!
It’s exciting to hear from people who have been strengthened in the Faith with these studies. Knowing God’s Love makes such a difference! We have even heard from many who tell us they suffered from the following challenges but found relief or resolution of their symptoms as they went through a study.
ADHD | Serious Addiction | Poor Self-Esteem |
Anger Management | Eating Disorders | Post Traumatic Stress Disorder |
Anxiety | Family Conflicts | Relationship Problems |
Bipolar | Major Loss/ Grief | Religious and Spiritual Issues |
Child Behavioral Problems | Marital Conflicts | Sexual Abuse/ Assault |
Communication Problems | Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder | Social Skills Development |
Coping Problems | Overcoming Fear | The Effects of Divorce |
Coping with Chronic Illness | Panic | Wounded in Church |
Depression | Phobias |