The Plain and Simple Series® are small, easy to read books that are designed to give hope to the reader and make the road toward a relationship with God easy and practical—plain and simple. These little books will also introduce the studies in The King’s High Way trilogy (The Way of Agape, Be ye Transformed and Faith in the Night Seasons).
They are topical books that provide quick insights, as well as the basis for further study.

Share these pocket books with your friends, co-workers, as well as your church and family members.
Against the Tide: Getting Beyond Ourselves shows us how to choose to follow God when everything within us is screaming to do just the opposite.
The Choice: Hypocrisy or Real Christianity? is especially for youth. Masks, hypocrisy, and personal choices are presented in a way that helps answer the question, “How can I genuinely love those in the church who have hurt me?”
The Key: How to Let Go and Let God presents the moment-by-moment steps to letting go of ourselves, our circumstances and others. This is among the most popular books we have; we recommend it often because these practical steps apply so well to everyday living.
Why Should I be the First to Change?: The Key to a Loving Marriage is the story of how God’s truths turned around Chuck and Nan’s marriage. Nan’s first person account offers a direct answer to the position too many of us take: “My spouse won’t change; why should I?”
Never Give Up: The Fruit of Longsuffering is an honest look at those experiences that cause us to question what’s happening. It also examines the question, “How do we do our part?”
Tomorrow May Be Too Late: Discovering our Destiny unfolds God’s whole plan for mankind in a non-threatening, easy-to-read manner. It builds up to a chapter entitled, “What do I do to become a Christian?”
The Plain and Simple Series books may be small, but they are not shallow. The principles found in these books can be life-changing, in either a group or individual setting.