Support your Bible Study using any of these materials with Nancy Missler!

The Way of Agape is an extensive look at what the Bible has to say about God’s Love. This classic work by Nancy Missler is not just academic, though. Nancy started this study in order to understand how God’s Love had saved her marriage and her life. It is a work that is not just intensely practical, but also a very personal testimony.
Study guide is now included in the textbook!
Go here for a more extensive description.
The Way of Agape DVD Seminar. Wouldn’t it be great to experience a seminar done by Nancy Missler? Now you can! With this DVD set you can have a great EIGHT HOURS with Nancy showing you the insights that she wrote about in her book.
Nancy has said that Agape, “not only saved our marriage and healed our family, but it has allowed me to experience His Love for others in a way I never thought possible; to be able to love them and accept them, even when they fail me and let me down.”
This series was recorded before a live audience over several weeks time.
SEMINAR AUDIO. This audio version of Nancy’s seminar allows you to access the teaching while you’re on-the-go. No matter if you are hearing it for the first time or brushing up on an important section, it helps to be able to listen in any setting. The audio version is the soundtrack from the DVD, so you won’t miss a thing that Nancy says. (This is NOT a download; if you want a download, please see the “Downloads” section below.)
LEADER’S GUIDE. Whether you are an experienced Bible Study Leader or if this is your first time leading a group, this leader’s guide is designed to make it easy.
The guide includes all of the answers to the workbook study questions; an outline of each session; and a cd with all of the charts from the book.
LEADER’S DISCOUNTED PACKAGE. This package is great for Bible Study Leaders. Textbook now includes the study guide questions inside the book. DVD includes 8 hours of teaching within 8 sessions. Leader’s Guide is a three-ring binder with instructions for facilitating, questions and answers for the study guide, along with a CD-ROM disk so you can print out the charts on your computer to enhance your teaching and study.
Remember that if you are leading a study, we invite you to call with any questions you might have as you prepare and facilitate the group study. You can call us toll-free at (866) 775-5464.
These items are available as downloads. Except for the MP3, they are in PDF form. If you do not have Adobe Reader, you can get a free copy by clicking HERE.