Why Should I Be First?

Why Should I Be The First To Change?

Why Should I Be The First To Change?

Why Should I Be
The First To Change?

This is Nancy’s first book. It’s the story of the amazing “turnaround” of Chuck and Nancy’s 20 year Christian marriage which reveals the dynamic secret that released the power of God’s Love already resident in every believer. It’s a riveting, yet easy read.

“If you had seen Chuck and me, on the outside we might have looked like a fairy tale couple…On the outside we looked like we had the perfect family, with everything anyone could ever want.”

“But on the inside, we were like so many people you see today: totally empty, unfulfilled, experiencing no real love, no meaning or purose to their lives.”

In this little book, Nancy intimately chronicles the failure of her own marriage and the Godly “key” that eventually turned it around. That key is learning the difference between God’s Love and human love and how to give everything over (even our hurts, fears, doubts, etc.) over to the Lord. He is the One who teaches us to love, not as “doormats” but wisely.

Is your marriage relationship all that you want it to be? If not, Why Should I be the First to Change is just the book for you.

Chapters in Why Should I Be The First To Change?
God’s Ways Are Not Our Ways
Too Busy For God
Where’s The Love?
God, What are You Doing to Me?
Why Can’t He Change First?
What Other Way Is There?
A More Excellent Way
God’s Way of Love

I can’t thank you enough for Why Should I be the First to Change? …it was so amazing – the anger was totally gone and I feel like a very different person now. I really do love him so much deeper than I ever did the 10 years before. I am sharing your book with girlfriends who struggle with their husbands. Thanks again Nancy! You are a “marriage saver”!

T.E. –USA email

Additional Resources

Learn more about “Why Should I Be The First To Change?” with these supporting materials.

Why Should I Be the First to Change: Chapter 1

Why Should I Be the First to Change: Study Questions

The Plain & Simple Series®