Nancy Missler

Our Beloved Nancy Missler

NanNewMrs. Nancy Missler, age 77 of Franklin, Tennessee, formerly of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho went to be with the Lord November 11, 2015. Nancy has loved our Lord Jesus Christ for over 50 years. She asked Christ to come into her life in 1957 at Hollywood Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles. That same year, while attending UCLA, Nancy met and married Chuck, her husband of 58 years.

Nan has published 13 books including: The Way of Agape, Be Ye Transformed, Faith in the Night Seasons, The Kingdom, Power & Glory, and her latest, Hope Against Hope. Her materials have transformed lives and marriages around the world.

Nancy is the founder of The King’s High Way Ministries; an international ministry dedicated to encouraging and teaching Christians how to “walk out” their faith in God’s Love.

Preceeded into heaven by her son, Charles “Chip” Missler. Survived by: husband of 58 years, Charles “Chuck” Missler; son, Mark (& Lisette) Missler; daughters, Lisa (& Mark) Bright & Meshell Missler; brother, Martin (& Gail) Klitten and eight grandchildren.

Nan’s final resting place will be in Reporoa, New Zealand. Memorials may be made to

Nancy was the founder of The King’s High Way Ministries; an international ministry dedicated to encouraging and teaching Christians how to “walk out” their faith, in God’s Love. Throughout the last 25 years of her life, she authored over thirteen books, which were simply a chronology of her own walk with the Lord through marriage difficulties, bankruptcy, a 6.8 earthquake, the loss of her home, the sudden loss of her first-born son and physical challenges.

She was a beloved Bible teacher and author with a passion for helping Christians learn:

  • how to really love as Jesus loved;
  • how to renew their minds so their lives could genuinely be transformed;
  • how to develop an authentic and unshakable faith throughout the night seasons of life; and
  • how to have God’s hope when faced with overwhelming physical challenges.

She always focused on the practical application of Biblical principles.

In 2002, The King’s Place was opened in Coeur d’Alene Idaho, as an outreach that was birthed out of Nancy’s love for the Lord. Hundreds of people’s lives where transformed and changed when they walked into the home filled with “God’s Love.” It was a Christian networking center where fellow Believers could come together and receive Biblical teaching, discipleship, faith based counseling and prayer. John 13:14 described the mission and role of this ministry, “If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet.”

In 2014, The King’s High Way moved its location to Hayden, Idaho where it is today. Not only will the messages, the testimonies and teachings that Nan so faithfully walked in and wrote about go forward, but her legacy of Agape will live on and fulfill the promise God gave her in Psalm 118:17, “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD.”

“Be encouraged.  There is hope. God is a real and personal God. He is faithful and He loves us, even though at the moment we might not see it nor our circumstances show it. Be assured, God knows our every need and is working “all things together for our good.” He is a God who can be known and seen even in the darkest of times…That’s our hope! That’s the “anchor of our soul.” — Nancy Missler, 2015, “Hope Against Hope”


You are invited to share your thoughts and memories below.
We would love to read more about our dear Nan.

The celebration of Nancy’s life and ministry (last Friday in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho) was a rich time of both laughter and tears. You can see the video here.
During the service, Nancy’s daughter Michelle shared a portion of something a friend of Nancy and the ministry had written. We offer it here as a blessing to you, and a memorial to our beloved Nancy.

On December 19 a final service was held at River Lodge, New Zealand. The video of that service is available through K-House TV.

The first service held in Nancy’s honor was on November 19 at Grace Chapel in Tennessee. The video can be seen HERE.


How do I describe Nancy Clark Missler?Nan & Chuck at podium

The woman whose heart was captured by the King.
The disciple who showed me how to forgive.
The Christian who stored her treasure in heaven.
The wife whose tears watered a garden of grace.
The teacher who taught us all how to overcome.
The leader whose walk matched her talk.
The wanderer whose only home was Heaven.

When I met Nancy Clark Missler many years ago, I was deeply discouraged by my experience with organized Christianity. Though I hadn’t walked away from Jesus, I had decided to trust no one. I especially mistrusted Christian leaders, and whenever I attended a seminar or study, I would walk in late, sit in the back row and keep my head down. I still wanted Jesus, but I was no longer willing to open my heart to human beings. Too many disappointments. I was done.

I was also tired of hearing testimonies that claimed miraculous transformation through faith, because I no longer believed that emotional healing or spiritual freedom was even possible. I had adopted the philosophy: “Life is hard, then you die, then you go to heaven…and then it’s better.”

Until one day someone talked me into attending a “Way of Agape” study. I took my seat in the shadows and tried to ignore all the female chit-chat as I waited for the video to start. I remember the attractive woman on the tape had perfectly styled hair and I thought to myself: “Oh great…another talking head for Jesus.” What had I not heard?

But then this woman said her life was a mess even though she and her husband were Bible teachers. My ears perked up a little. She said they’d been on the verge of divorce even though they were leaders in the Church. I sat up a little straighter. This woman explained that, even after leading Bible studies in their home for 20 years, she and her husband had really no clue concerning Agape love. Okay, she had me. This woman was worth listening to. Someone was actually addressing the giant question mark within my mind. Someone actually had the courage to say, “You can believe and still be missing the heart of the Gospel by a million miles.”Nan & Chuck at podium

And that someone was Nancy Clark Missler, who would later became my friend as well as my teacher. Never put off by my questions or impatient with my brokenness, she listened. She shared. She stood with me…not above me. She didn’t give spiritual suggestions. She gave me her heart.

In truth, Nancy gave spiritual CPR to me when I could no longer breathe. And I was not her first patient, nor would I be her last. She was ever willing to give an answer for the hope that was in her, and this wisdom was offered with gentleness and respect. For in God’s unique plan, this bright soul was also a woman of sorrows, well-acquainted with grief, and she was not frightened by the pain of others. This lovely woman knew well the ugliness of the human heart, and her life work was to steer that heart back into communion with God.

She once said she was a direct descendant of William Clark, the man who (along with Meriwether Lewis) led the famous Lewis and Clark Expedition in 1804. I chuckled when she told me this, because that legacy fit her so well! Nancy Clark Missler was herself an adventurer, but her expedition had nothing to do with high mountains or raging rivers. No. Her life’s discovery was to prayerfully map the journey of the heart on its quest to find the Source of Life in Christ. Her task wasn’t to lead people West, but rather to lead people Home. Home to the purpose for which they were created; home to the perfect Love of God.

Nancy was an extremely diligent worker, and seemingly tireless in prayer, in study and in meditation upon His Word. She never stopped asking, seeking and knocking upon the door of the Lord. She wanted to learn, and whatever she learned, she faithfully shared with the rest of us through books, tapes and seminars.

Formal_Nan_Corrected_SMAnd there was something else about Nancy that earned my deepest admiration. She was not a respecter of persons. It didn’t matter whether she was in the presence of a waitress, a weirdo or a world-famous leader, she treated everyone with honor and respect. This was one of the things I loved most about her. Her kindness wasn’t stored up for the few, but was lavished upon the many. No man, woman, child or creature ever stood in her presence without knowing they were worthy of her time and attention.

I suppose I could go on and on, but I will stop here. Nancy would be the first to say that her human attributes are no longer important. She is now in the Presence of Love Himself, and her disciplines have been changed into delight. Her often painful journey has now been exchanged for joy, and her longing has been swallowed up by light. How glorious is the eternity which she entered just a few hours ago?

I can only imagine.

We thank you, Nancy, for blazing a trail so we could follow. Thank you for enduring as seeing Him Who is Unseen. Thank you for finishing the race with honor, and pointing us all towards the finish line. Thank you for loving us with your life, Nancy. We will see you soon and very soon, beloved friend. Until that day…

Written by Claudia Lovejoy


History: Nan’s Updates